It has been a long road of research and writing on my upcoming novel. A vast majority of the research has concerned the Korean War. Due to that fact, I have been asked to lead a discussion on the current political/military/economic/educational climate in the Korean peninsula this coming Thursday, March 31, at Lone Star College-North Harris. It is an opportunity I gladly embrace.
The conversation will be alongside Professor Jean-Alphonse Apanda and Professor Ralph Angeles. My good friend, mentor and former English professor, Danel Olson, will also be alongside and is the primary reason I have been invited. He and I have continued our conversation about my current literary project since its onset. Prof. Olson has also been continually producing massive literary works of the highest caliber over the past decade. This is very exciting and I trust I will be able to take away a lot of knowledge, while at the same time providing some of my personal insight on the issues surrounding North and South Korea.
Regarding my current project, I have been working on my second novel for nearly the past two years and am very hopeful about its progress. It is my hope to have the first draft completed by the end of April. We shall see soon enough.