When You Speak, Speak Life

There is a strong proverb from Solomon that says, “Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruit.”

That’s Proverbs 18:21. And that was said about 3,000 years ago. The science of today backs up this claim, just read this Inc. article.

I wonder how often we think about what we say to each other and how we say it. I find myself speaking fruit that I would rather not eat. I think of the negative things I say to people and the negative energy I exude when I say them.

James 3:6 says that the “…tongue is a fire; a world of iniquity…” James goes on to say that we can tame every beast, but what we cannot tame is the tongue. He calls it an “unruly evil, full of deadly poison.”

Pretty scary isn’t it? I’d say so.

For this reason, we must watch not only what we say, but also how we say it. Life and death are in what we say. In other words, do what David, Solomon’s father, said in Psalms 39:1 and keep a bridle on your tongue. A bridle is what is used to guide a horse. So guide your words carefully so you don’t fall off a proverbial cliff.

How to bridle the tongue and better your speech:

* Try a compliment

* Don’t complain

* Be grateful for what you have

* Hold your tongue and don’t talk

* Quote scripture or uplifting words

* Pray

* Read about people who overcome great odds

There are plenty of ways to increase the amount of life you give to yourself and others. It’s much better than death, isn’t it? And if you don’t think so, then, well, not to be mean, but please stay away from me.