The Sons of History: A Year In

If you look at the date of my last article before this one, you’ll notice that it has been a while since I’ve written anything. A thousand apologies. Let us start anew, shall we?

In June of last year, Alan Wakim and I began our history show called The Sons of History. Our mission behind the show was to bring history to life and make it more enjoyable and impactful for people wanting to know about history. We also know that US History is the subject that public school students (4th, 8th, and 12th grade) are the least proficient in, and we find that very disturbing.

We launched our website and our social media pages (Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, and Twitter - the latter we don’t really mess with), and began spreading the word.

We began our YouTube series on the American Revolution with our first episode being released on July 29 of last year about what led to America declaring its independence.

Since everyone involved was on a volunteer basis, the next episode took a good while to get out. Eventually, I decided it would be best if I finished the editing aspect in order to get it released. The second episode discussing the Declaration of Independence was released on Feb. 18 of this year. Yes, quite a delaying action.

In between those two episodes, Alan and I began our weekly podcast. Our first episode came out in October during the Brett Kavanaugh hearing for a seat on the Supreme Court. Since then, we have discussed various subjects, like Senators, the House of Representatives, Presidential Power, Birthright Citizenship, and Immigration Law. We have also had some amazing guests on the show, like Alex Kershaw, New York Times best selling author; Joshua Philipp, investigative reporter for The Epoch Times and host of Crossroads; and Dr. Garry Wheeler Stone, co-author of Fatal Sunday.

In conjunction with our video selections, we have also placed military interviews on our podcast, including Lt. Col. Dick Cole, of the Doolittle Raid; Col. Charles McGee, of the Tuskegee Airmen; and Col. Dean Caswell, the last living Marine Ace of World War II.

Needless to say, it’s been busy; but it’s been a wonderful kind of busy.

Our most recent video on the American Revolution, Episode 3 Part 1 on the battles of the Revolutionary War came out on July 21.

All of our American Revolution videos are written, directed, and edited in-house. We are very proud of how far we have come with practically $0 budget. We will soon start raising money for The Sons of History so that we can make more of an impact on students and adults alike. History is too important for our future leaders not to know it.

I ask that you help spread the word about our weekly podcast and our show on YouTube. Also, be sure to join us on

Facebook and Instagram (Twitter? Eh.).