So Excited About the New Website

My own personal website has arrived! Just in the nick of time as I am heading out to South Korea today. I will be blogging consistently throughout the trip as I will be visiting Beijing, as I mentioned in my previous blog post, and several cities in South Korea, including Seoul, Busan, Daejeon, and Incheon.

Shout out to my ole pal Jarred Trapp for putting this awesome website together for me. I am incredibly grateful and very excited to have this great platform on which to write.

Who knows? Maybe I’ll even be more consistent with my blogging. We shall see.

Also, I will soon be launching another blog on this site that is dedicated to the craft of writing. It will be my very own “On Writing” section. If you are an aspiring writer, or a writer who has already gotten started on your own path, then I think my posts will really help. They will be focused on two types of writing: prose and scriptwriting.

I will be providing tips on how to write, character development, research techniques, etc. But until then, you will get the honor of living vicariously through me – sort of like all my married friends do.
If you’ve never read any of my material from my old site, then now is the time to catch up. There is plenty of reading available. Also, don’t be afraid to purchase my book, Fight. It’s an awesome read that will keep you up at night turning pages. For real, just check out the reviews.

OK. Till I reach China, I will bid you adieu.