Have You Found Your Purpose?

Think back for a moment. To a time when you were a kid. Do you remember what you wanted to be? I do.

A boy scout and a bank robber. That's what I wanted to be. Unfortunately, neither of those panned out. I am still holding out for one of those.

Instead of becoming either of those two, I began a search to discover exactly who I was supposed to be. My calling, if you will. I began writing, singing, playing sports, working in ministry, and indulging in some acting. I wrote plays and comic books. I won singing competitions - regional and national. I played baseball, basketball, and soccer in high school. I became a youth pastor, worship leader, Sunday School teacher, and an administrator.

I fell in love and let it go. I endured incredible pains and heartache. I experienced great hate and finally found solace.

After graduating college, I turned to journalism and wrote for newspapers, magazines and online media outlets. I won the regional Golden Gloves competition. I traveled the nation. My dog of 14 years died right next to me. I got another dog.

I joined a band and then quit. I learned the piano and wrote my own music. I wrote a book. I learned to love and to hate. I jumped from job to job. I made friends and enemies. I did things. I triumphed and I failed. And for what? For this: purpose.

I have learned that the written word has become my mode of communication to the world. It is how I address my transgressions and aggressions. It is how I can best speak to others. It isn't through speech or song. It isn't through politics or business. It is through writing.

It has been a long and arduous journey. A struggle. Finding your purpose isn't easy. I discovered my purpose about the time I turned 29. Some find it earlier than 29 years old. I consider those people very fortunate. Others find it after 29 years old. I'm 34 years old now and I still worry about the success that will follow my purpose. Primarily, will I be successful at all. Unfortunately, there is only one way to find out. That is to try.

I encourage you to begin your journey to purpose today or this weekend. Take a moment to discover what you're passionate about. Think back on when you were young. Maybe your passion and purpose was revealed long ago; hopefully it isn't being a boy scout or bank robber.